A helpful reference guide of the files where cpanel/whm stores important information for everything including apache, exim, ftp, frontpage, sql, ssh, php, bind, whm account data, cp scripts, and other configuration files. click here.
The newer Linux versions of the popular mouse/keyboard sharing application “synergy” now has built in encryption. Here’s how to configure it: Just simply passing the –enable-crypto flag on your synergy server without having a proper SSL certificate will result in the inability to connect to clients and generate an error message similar to this in […]
I recently purchased a new keyboard and updated to the latest Ubuntu, I’m also an avid user of the number pad for quick input when dealing with spreadsheets or accounting. I found that my num pad’s delete key (“.”) was outputting a comma (“,”) instead. Pretty annoying? I agree, but this can be very easily […]
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
linux administration - tips, notes and projects
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